Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Fear is not something to be conquer.  Just like how adversity is not something that proves if you are strong and brave.

Definition of Adversity;


  nounplural adversities for 2.

adverse or unfavorable fortune or fate; a condition marked bymisfortune, calamity, or distress:
Friends will show their true colors in times of adversity.
an adverse or unfortunate event or circumstance:
You will meet many adversities in life.   

Ok, so here I pick it apart and gives examples. Awesome!  I love examples. I specifically love theses examples because it brings the realness to it.  Not the, "I'm going to be strong and show adversity who's boss" crap.  Because honestly,  one of the best things you can do is to handle it the way you want to handle it.  It's true!  

People handle things differently.  If someone is in an adverse place in their life theirs a couple things you can do; one, Give them encouragement or 2,  let them feel distressed, woeful, pain.  Our instinct is to fix it, right?  We want to be there and take away their distress and pain.  We want to tell them, "no it's not fair but how you handle this will show how strong you are."  

News flash, you are already strong! You don't need to be prove it while you are in a tough spot. I want you to know that one of the best things you can do is to be still and feel the pain.  My girl Glennon Doyle Melton says, (and I'm paraphrasing here) "Pain is not a hot potato to be quickly thrown to someone else, but it is more like traveling professor.  The wise ones let themselves be still with it; makes them stay until it teaches them what they need to know."  BTW, this girl is amazing and you immediately need to google her.  

So my dear friends,  let adversity teach you what you need to know.  But remember you do not need to prove to anyone how strong, brave or courageous  you are when faced with adversity.  

Love you always, 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What breaks your heart?

I'm serious.  I want to know what breaks your heart!

The reason I ask is because if you are someone who is struggling to find your "career" or "passion", well...that is it my friend! You may be thinking, "Um isn't that the exact opposite thing I should be doing?'  Not really.

Hear me out.  If you're watching the SPCA commercial with the saddest song in the world and you start balling like you're 5 then that's a good indication you should do something in that field.  Their are a TON of things you could do.  Anywhere from volunteering to becoming an actual officer who goes out and saves the day.

Think about it!  It's obviously something you would care deeply about.  You would put your all into it everyday. And, the word engaged would most likely be one of your top 3 words to describe how your job makes you feel.  Scratch that, it's a freakin' career! See where I'm going with this.

If you follow what breaks your heart their you will your people (or animals).  God specifically places in us a deep feeling for someone or something.  He does it because we are here on this earth to glorify Him and that is through YOU!

Next time you hear or see something that breaks your heart, run to it!

Love you always,