Tuesday, September 13, 2016

There is Room for Everyone

It seems like nowadays everyone and their mom has a blog.

I recently went to go see Bad Moms with Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and a few other awesome ladies.  (I also loved that JJ Watt played a soccer coach who owned cats and Prius...but I digress).  One of the lines mentioned the different types of mom groups and I quote, "the blogging moms."  I told you everyone and their mom has a blog.  So why the heck am I doing it?  What could I have to say that hasn't already been said or done?  Well my friends,  sorry to break it to ya, but most of my advice or encouragement is not new.  Maybe the way I say something or my perspective might be different but for the most part it is not new stuff.

Similar to my last post, sometimes you won't understand something fully until you are at the right place at the right time and have gone through the right experience to be able to "get it".  And by right experience I mean that very specific place and person who was there, or not there.  I do NOT mean societies term of "right experience".

The things that I say and write are from my perspective.  From my own experiences.  For some people it will be like a lightbulb moment of awareness.  Others might think nothing of it and place no value on what I have to say.  Some might go as far as to say that it's a load of rubbish.  Ya know what?  That's total okay!

It has been stated in the Bible by God that, "You will be hated by everyone because of me..."  Now those are some pretty heavy words.  Society will try to bring you down.  They will say, "give up on your dream, it's all been said and done before."  But my dear friends they are wrong!  They don't know the magnitude of the dream God has put in your heart.  He gave it to you for a reason. Only you can carry out the plans he has set for you, no one else.

So, do not listen to the nay sayers of this world.  If someone gawks at your unreasonable dream it's most likely because they have given up on their own.  I warn you my love, do not believe those doubters.  Trust and believe in your God.  There is room for everyone.

Love You Always,


  1. Such good points! Also, jealous you saw Bad Moms, I so want to go see that :)

    1. Thanks girl :) It was pretty raunchy at times but it was funny.
