Sunday, September 25, 2016


This post is more faith based than the rest.  It's going to be short and sweet.  So just a heads up.

At church today we studied the first chapter in the book of Jonah.  Ya know, the guy who got swallowed by a great big fish.  (FYI, it never says he was swallowed by a whale so the whole 'Jonah and the Whale" story is false.) Which makes me understand why some people are against Christianity, but that is a totally different post within it's self.  Should I do a post on it?  Would you find it helpful in understanding nonbelievers?  Leave me a comment and let me know.

Did you know the term great is used in the short book of Jonah, more than any other book of the bible?  This is not a coincidence.  The entire story of Jonah is about how great and big God is.  He is bigger than any thought or idea we might have.  He is bigger than any of our own judgements of others.  He is big enough to show grace to EVERYONE!  Even those we think don't deserve it or didn't "earn" it.  How dare we limit God.  He is a great big God capable of anything.  I mean He did create the universe.

My friends, I ask you the next time your ego creeps in and you think to yourself, "See how awesome I am God.  Look at how good I am."  know that God loves you as much as the most horrible person you can think of.  Then I invite you to pray for those who need Him.  Also, pray for yourself that you can be humbled by Him.  I know you have your short comings as well but God still loves you the same.  He is a great big God.

Love You Always,


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

There is Room for Everyone

It seems like nowadays everyone and their mom has a blog.

I recently went to go see Bad Moms with Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and a few other awesome ladies.  (I also loved that JJ Watt played a soccer coach who owned cats and Prius...but I digress).  One of the lines mentioned the different types of mom groups and I quote, "the blogging moms."  I told you everyone and their mom has a blog.  So why the heck am I doing it?  What could I have to say that hasn't already been said or done?  Well my friends,  sorry to break it to ya, but most of my advice or encouragement is not new.  Maybe the way I say something or my perspective might be different but for the most part it is not new stuff.

Similar to my last post, sometimes you won't understand something fully until you are at the right place at the right time and have gone through the right experience to be able to "get it".  And by right experience I mean that very specific place and person who was there, or not there.  I do NOT mean societies term of "right experience".

The things that I say and write are from my perspective.  From my own experiences.  For some people it will be like a lightbulb moment of awareness.  Others might think nothing of it and place no value on what I have to say.  Some might go as far as to say that it's a load of rubbish.  Ya know what?  That's total okay!

It has been stated in the Bible by God that, "You will be hated by everyone because of me..."  Now those are some pretty heavy words.  Society will try to bring you down.  They will say, "give up on your dream, it's all been said and done before."  But my dear friends they are wrong!  They don't know the magnitude of the dream God has put in your heart.  He gave it to you for a reason. Only you can carry out the plans he has set for you, no one else.

So, do not listen to the nay sayers of this world.  If someone gawks at your unreasonable dream it's most likely because they have given up on their own.  I warn you my love, do not believe those doubters.  Trust and believe in your God.  There is room for everyone.

Love You Always,

Friday, September 9, 2016

Trust is hard

As you can tell by the title of this post I have a hard time with trust.  

Not just trusting people but with trusting in God.  Their I said it!  Can ya blame me though?  I'm Type A all the way.  I like to plan and I'm an extrovert so I have no problem spilling my guts to anyone who will listen.  The issue with that is I tend to get hurt...a lot.  Hence, the trust issues.  

About two years ago is when I realized I had a hard time trusting God.  

I was engaged to my best friend of 4 years and I had just picked out my wedding dress (it took me 8 months to find the "right one" so at this point I was pumped).  I remember it was a Sunday afternoon and B walked in from a weekend away with his dad and brothers.  He was shaking and sobbing.  My immediate thought was that something terrible happened. Maybe his dad got hurt or worse,  his Nana died.  Little did I know the terrible thing that was going to happen would be to me.  He claimed he wasn't in love with me anymore and we couldn't get married.  I was blindsided.  

Here was the love of my life, my best friend, the person who I thought God wanted me to be with saying he didn't want to marry me anymore.  I want to emphasize the word  "anymore".  At one point he loved me so much that we moved in together and were engaged.  He even told me  that in his mind he was already married to me and their was no going back.  He said and did all the right things, so I thought.  

You can imagine how mad I was at B and at God.  How could God take away the one person who I thought I could fully rely on?! How can I trust in God if He took away the desire of my heart?! I thought that this man God brought into my life would always be there for me like B claimed to promise.  Promise; what a word.  When someone promises things to me I expect them to keep their word.  Now,  I have a really hard time believing anyone.  I've ruined the start of potential relationships because of my now prominent trust issues.  

But,  I'm learning to trust in people again by trusting in Jesus first.  It is SUPER hard.  Especially after that traumatic life incident. A verse that helped me out of my darkest hour is, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6.  

Guys, do you see what God did their?!  I've always had a hard time trusting in the promises He says He has for us, "Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long" - Psalm 25:4-5, and I put my trust in people instead.  God is now rewiring me to learn to trust in Him first (mind blown).   

If you are going through a challenging time in your life, wondering "why", then I invite you to write down the verses in this post on a note card and keep them in your car, in your desk at work or even write them on your bathroom mirror.  Put it somewhere you can easily access it in times of struggle.  Let it ease your aching heart.  

Love you Always, 