Thursday, December 28, 2017

2018 Resolutions...Kind of


I understand it's to start the new year with the best of intentions and a goal which I am all about! Believe you me, out of all of my friends I'm the nerd about goal setting and vision boards.  However, why wait until January 1?  Really though, ask yourself why does January 1 sound like the perfect date.  Is it because you believe it's easier to start on the 1st?  Is it because everyone else starts at the time?  (I know I'm asking a lot of questions and  really making you think, but hey, it' what I do).

I mean, if you want to lose 20 pounds,  quit smoking or be more present why not now?!  

Did you know that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit?  So whether you start going to the gym on January 1st or January 15th you still have to do it for 21 days for it to become a habit.  I'm not trying to deter you from going to the gym - it's one of my fav activities - but according to USA Today, on average 12% of new gym members join in January and of that 12 percent 95% drop off after January 15th.  BUT, what if we started a week or two earlier?  You would be that much closer to developing a new habit and you might not mind how packed the gym got for those 15 days.

What I'm trying to say is don't wait.  Don't use the new year as an obligatory starting point for this new goal you have in mind.  If it something that is important to you and God has put it on your heart than go out and DO IT!   

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24  

So, if you decide on March 25th that you want to start a daily prayer journal than start that day!  If you decide on November 4th you want to lose 15 pounds than start that day!

Sometimes starting is the hardest part, but if you think of it as working for God's good and not your own it will become easier.  Serve Him and blessings will follow.

Love you always,


P.S. I'm pretty versed in goal setting and have a few tips and tricks if you guys would be interested.  

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